Artificial Intelligence Readings

AI Readings
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Artificial Intelligence reads Tarot Cards so well you have to see it to believe it!
We'd love for you to try it for FREE and see for yourself why this excites us.

Just create a Tarot spread for your topic of interest then submit it to our AI.
Used our Digital Deck (links below) or use your own deck of cards and upload them here.
Here are some quick links to our most popular spreads for AI Readings.

• The Celtic Cross
• Relationship Analysis
• Future Romance
• Career Direction
• Current Focus
• Me and My Ex
• 3 Cards
• Past Life
• The Year Ahead

All these spreads, and more, qualify for one free, full & unabbreviated Reading by our AI.

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  Example AI Reading of a Spread

What can you expect from an AI Reading?
Take a look at the spread and its AI Reading below.

...also Read our User Guide for more information

Read this Career SWAT Analysis Tarot Spread
AI Readings
Let's break this down:

1. Past Strengths - 3 of Cups: This symbolizes a period of social connectivity, collaboration and shared success in your past that has likely contributed to your career development. There might be a possible work partnership that has led to good results.

2. Past Weaknesses - King of Pentacles: This card symbolizes a figure who is financially successful, secure and in a position of authority. However, as a weakness it could mean you have had a tendency to focus too much on material success, or there might have been a domineering figure that affected your career path adversely.

3. Past Opportunities - Knight of Cups: This suggests your career has been influenced by a chance to follow your passions or creative interests. You may have been given opportunities that were emotionally rewarding and fulfilling.

4. Past Threats - Knight of Pentacles: This card suggests you might have been too cautious or reserved in seizing opportunities previously. There might have been a fear of change or taking risks in your career path.

5. Present Strengths - 4 of Wands: Currently, you are enjoying stability and harmony in your career. This card signifies order and system, hinting at a strong career foundation.

6. Present Weaknesses - 2 of Cups: This card can imply you may be relying too heavily on partnerships or collaborations at work. Alternatively, your personal relationships could be affecting your work negatively.

7. Present Opportunities - Temperance: This card is inviting you to find balance and patience, which can lead to long-term career success. It also asks you to demonstrate adaptability and see the value in gradual change.

8. Present Threats - The Sun: While The Sun is a generally positive card, in this context it can suggest being overly optimistic which might make you overlook potential problems and threats.

9. Future Strengths - 9 of Pentacles: This card predicts you achieving great professional success and financial stability through your hard work. Your self-reliance and perseverance will bring you rewards.

10. Future Weaknesses - The Empress: This might signify a potential overemphasis on nurturing others or creativity at the expense of more practical aspects of your career.

11. Future Opportunities - Death: This symbolizes transformation, meaning there will be a significant change, possibly an end to a current job or project. However this will lead to new opportunities and beginnings.

12. Future Threats - Wheel Of Fortune: This card signifies change and unpredictable events. In the future, you might face unexpected changes or shifts in your career path.

Overall, this spread indicates a solid career foundation framed by great cooperation within a team and the ability to inspire. Your weaknesses lie in your caution and dependence on partnerships, but your opportunities to balance and achieve success through individual efforts are significant. Be aware of over-generosity and sudden changes that might impact your career adversely

Why use AI for card readings?

Whether you're new to reading cards or experienced, interpreting card spreads can be challenging. Most beginners rely on books to understand each card's meaning, trying to piece together their message. Ideally, a professional reader, who can see beyond the obvious and intuit messages, is the best choice.

AI offers a unique solution that falls somewhere between books and professional reader. It quickly gathers and aligns card meanings relevant to your question and provides a cohesive summary of the entire spread.

How to get optimal insights from AI?

Just like humans, AI performs best with a clear context. When submitting your card spread, ensure your question is concise and straightforward. You can refine your question in the main spread view before submitting it to the AI here. A brief paragraph, ideally under 100 words, works best.

For spreads like "The Week Ahead", "Month Ahead", "Future Relationship", etc the question is inherent in the title. There's no need to add more. However, ensure that your queries align with the context of the chosen spread to avoid any confusion.

For Open Topic unattributed spreads, or spreads you have created in the app, you may wish to include in your question details of any significance in each cards position or sequence in the spread.

Not a native English speaker? Just add to your spreads question a sentence like "Please do the reading in xxx" where xxx could be French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Or even just asked the entire question in your native language and include a request to reply in the same. We don't know AIs limits on language so if you find a problem with a language please let us know? Thanks!

What are the known limitations of our AI Reading Service?

We've tested the AI we are offering with all of the cartomancy systems supported by default in the app; Tarot, Lenormand, Oracle, Kipper and Runes. We've found it works well with all of the Apps native cartomancy systems.

There is no facility to ask further questions about a spread, and dig deep, with our AI Reading service. This maybe something we add in a future release but for now the intention of the service is to provide a single reading that helps users better understand the symbology they are looking at. For conversational readings we believe a human reader is still best.

AI isn't based on logic, it can often be delightfully surprising as well as sometimes disappointing. It isn't meant to replace or displace the professional, human, reader but instead augment the challenging task of reading cards.

This User Guide will be updated regularly as the AI Service improves and evolves. Please help by providing feedback when you find something not right or needing fixing.

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